My dear friend and neighbour Mel sent me this photo earlier today, she is a homesteader like me and had been out mushroom hunting with a friend (braver than me, I either grow mine from a kit, yay, three mushrooms and the kit only cost $17! Or I buy them from the shop).
Anyway, she must have got boatloads because she has made mushroom pizzas and is drying some...

And making pies, but she was wondering what to do with the rest.
Here you go Mel, Poor Woman’s Stroganoff, this should make a dent in them.
Ingredients - serves 4
1 tablespoon olive oil
4 good quality beef sausages
1 small onion, diced
4 cloves garlic, crushed
500g sliced mushrooms
2 teaspoons aromatic herbs (rosemary and thyme a good choice) finely chopped
zest and juice of one lemon
1/2 cup white wine
1 can coconut cream (you can use regular cream if you want)
2 tablespoons natural unsweetened natural yogurt (again, use regular if you want, just make sure is unsweetened)
2 big handfuls of shredded spinach
2 spring onions, sliced
Heat the oil oil in a large frying pan, squeeze out the sausages into little meatballs, fry at a medium heat until golden, add onions and garlic, stirring until translucent, careful, don’t burn them, will make the strog bitter. Like this -

Tip in your mushrooms, don’t be alarmed, they will go from this -

To this -

- really quickly, just keep pushing them around and then cook until all the juice from the mushrooms has cooked away.
Add your chopped herbs, lemon juice and zest and white wine, cook for about two minutes, add your coconut cream (or regular cream) and simmer quite strenuously until your sauce has become thick.

Now, REMOVE FROM HEAT (this is really important before we take our next step, if we add the yogurt while it is on the heat we could split the sauce and it will be yukky, also by adding our leafy greens and spring onions after removing from the heat we are preserving the water soluble vitamins that cooking can destroy really easily), so take it off the heat, stir in your yogurt, spinach and spring onions, serve it up with mashed potato, rice or pasta, a nice grind of pepper on top, a scatter of chopped parsley if you have some and you are good to go. Poor Woman’s Stroganoff.
