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Gravy - Back to Basics 15


Mr T always gets so excited when I feed him meat and three veg, it is the way his mother fed him and it takes him back to his childhood I think. It is something I rarely make, but I have had a big week and I was feeling a bit tired so I thought a bit of steak might boost my iron levels if they are a tad low.

I thought you might like to see how I make a packet mix free, dairy free, gluten free gravy that is rich and delicious, without any thickeners or yukky things in it.

First you cook your steak in a little oil in a frying pan to the way you like it, I like mine just on the shy side of medium, Mr T likes his left in for a tiny bit longer, anyway, after they are done you will have some lovely colour on the bottom of the frying pan, don’t throw this away, this is your flavour!

Working quickly now, while your steak is resting, swirl in about a half a cup of water and turn up the heat in your pan, add about a teaspoon of gluten free soy sauce, about two teaspoons of your favourite tomato sauce, I use my own Convalita Farmhouse Foods Big Tom Tomato Sauce, if you want to use that you can buy a bottle from Karen at Gourmet Goodies in Lyndoch, give it all a stir, making sure you loosen up any bits that are stuck to the bottom of the pan, swirl in just over a half a cup of coconut cream, I am pretty particular about the coconut cream I use for this as I don’t want it to taste ’coconutty’, when I want a really nice, bland coconut cream that is smooth and reduces well I use Chef’s Choice, you can find it at most Foodlands. Give it another stir and keep it boiling until it looks like this -

Can you see how the bubbles are dark around the bottom? That shows that it has reduced and is nice and thick and rich. Take it off the heat, give it another stir and pour it over your steak. You can call this Dianne Sauce, which is what it was called back in my apprentice days, or Pepper Steak Sauce if you add some green peppercorns at the beginning or plain old gravy, which is what I call it.

Anyway, there you have it, a gluten free, packet mix free, dairy free gravy. Just like a pub meal at home.


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