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Caramel Pecan Cake


Here is the scrummiest cake ever made in the history of the world. So very scrummy that I make it very rarely as it renders my usually cast iron will power into over cooked spaghetti and I cannot resist eating it and then spend three days wheezing and achy all over.

This was a special occasion, my good friend Dean (Moon Brother), husband of Jo (she of the glamorous curtain of hair and the heart of gold), father of Sam (Sir Galahad in skinny jeans) has helped me to set up this blog as I am techno-not, so I made him a cake and told him he did not have to share.

It is a streusel cake, that just means it has goody bits through the middle and on top, and is topped by an amazing hot caramel sauce that goes on as soon as the cake comes out of the oven so it sinks in and makes the top all delicious and moist and squishy.

Ingredients Caramel Pecan Cake - Dairy Free


65g brown sugar

25g plain flour

20g chopped pecan

½ teaspoon cinnamon

30g olive oil

Mix these together


100g golden syrup

80g olive oil

50ml almond milk

120g coconut cream

2 eggs


1 apple, peeled and grated

210g self raising flour

1g (½ teaspoon) baking powder

70g brown sugar

45g chopped pecans


Caramel Sauce

45g coconut cream

10g brown sugar

45g golden syrup

5g olive oil

So we begin with three bowls, the streusel in one, the wet ingredients in another and the dry ingredients in the third.

Make sure each are combined, then pour the wet ingredients into the dry and fold it all together until well mixed.

Pour half of the cake mixture into a lined and greased round springform cake tin, top with half the streusel, top with rest of cake mix, top that with rest of streusel.

Put that into a moderate (180 degrees C) oven, until cooked through. Takes about 40 minutes, do check it though, if getting too brown drop the oven to 170.

While that is cooking combine all of the caramel sauce ingredients in a small pot and heat very gently until they are combined, keep warm.

As soon as the cake comes out of the oven, (do check it with a skewer, there is a lot of moistness in this cake, it is very easy to undercook) pour the caramel sauce in a thin stream all over the top of the hot cake.

Allow it to sit in its tin for at least ten minutes, if you can resist it that long.

This cake makes a gorgeous pudding but is one of those cakes that really get better if it is allowed to sit overnight so that the flavours can marry together.

It also freezes really well so if you can’t eat it all within a few days, pop some in the freezer.


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