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Beautiful Lemon Balm

So the lemon balm in the veggie patch had grown enormous, and gone to seed, it had flowered and chucked its seeds around with carefree abandon and was now looking very woody and spent. A few of the girls in my Nutrition 2 class are doing a Natropathy degree and had been talking about lemon balm tea as a stress reliever, so I thought I might trim back the bushes (with a vengeance as they were attempting to take over the world) and pop the cuttings in our bedroom to see if they would facilitate a good night’s sleep.

Isn’t that gorgeous? And I am pleased to say that Mr T, myself and the dogs all slept like logs last night.

They used to use cut herbs to “sweeten the air”, and I think that is a lovely thing. These will go out for the worms once they lose their fragrance, but for now they are a deliciously scented reminder of a summer gone by.


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