Isn’t this an adorable thing? It is a bowl made of wool.

I am a spinner and a weaver, not that I have had a whole lot of time lately for my crafts, what with my work and my uni and my budding career as a world renowned concert banjolinist. Work has wound down for the year now and I have a glorious ten weeks off uni, so my craft itch has been twitching. The looms and wheels are full of old projects that need to be finished, and I will, but it has been a big year so I just wanted to make a few little things for gifts, so I decided to make some bowls. They are very simple to make and very quick, and they are just beautiful. I have a few more to make, would you like me to show you how?
This little bowl is made of Romney roving, I made a rug last year, spun, woven and felted.

Isn’t it beautiful? And thick and soft and gorgeous to stand on. Only problem is I can’t bear to have it on the floor or let anybody stand on it, so it sits on shelf, folded into a bundle. Maybe one day I will hang it on the wall. I want to do another for a yoga mat, but that will have to be a bit wider and longer. Anyway, I will make another bowl and put the instructions on here so you can have a go if you want to, there really is nothing quite like making something with your own hands.